- 檢查群組訊息(一整天維持強迫症等級有空就看)
- 到公司先回未接電話
- 如果今天是自己的送貨日,記得監看送貨群組,以處理突發狀況。
- 檢查FB負責的兩個帳號,回客人信息。
- 檢查Email, 把打星號的回一回, 回完取消星號代表已回。
- 檢查 Shopify inbox, 回覆客人訊息。
- 排送貨的單。(如果隔天是自己的送貨日,text通知客人明天預計的抵達時間。)
- 檢查倉庫存貨,有某物庫存少的話就在群組裡詢問其它兩間倉庫有沒有貨可調。
- 打廣告。FB或Gumtree。
- 算帳,下班。
- 來店客人優先處理,有電話響等有空再回。
- 紀錄客人電話跟姓名,列印Invoice。
- 幫忙拿貨架螺絲 / 洞洞板配件 / 貨架鉤子。
- 拍Invoive單子跟拍貨,發群組並打上單號。
- 給客人Invoive並告知掃QR CODE取得Instruction。
- 立柱:upright / end / pole
- 橫梁:crossbeam / crossbar / rail / bar
- 板:panel / shelf / shelf panel
- 貨架:shelving / shelve / unit / bay
- 工作台:workbench / bench
- 螺絲:screws / bolts / nuts & bolts
- 安全釘:lock pins / safety pins / bolts (客人時常不曉得這個要叫什麼會胡亂形容一通)
- 斜拉:cross brace / the long and the short cross thing on the upright (客人也通常不知道這叫什麼)
- 洞洞板:pegboard / grid board / the backing / board with holes (客人偶爾不確定這叫什麼)
- 加層:extra shelf / the two bars and the shelves (客人有時候會以為是分開賣的)
- 工具箱:toolbox / cabinet
- 扁櫃:cabinet / storage cabinet / cupboard
- 網貨架:wire shelving / mesh shelving
- 輪子:wheel / Caster
- 拉貨:把產品從一個倉庫運送到另一個倉庫
- 送貨日
Nerang: Monday(喬治) / Thursday(喬治)
Woodridge: Monday(博哥) / Tuesday(博哥)(喬治) / Wednesday(喬治) / Thursday(博哥) / Friday(喬治)
Caboolture: Wednesday(博哥) / Friday(博哥) / Saturday(博哥) - 運送費
40 – 80km $44
80 – 100km $88
100 – 150km $176
* 以google map計算客人地址到最近之倉庫地址之km數為準
* 150km 之外為超出司機運送範圍,客人若想要寄送,我們可以給TOLL(貨運公司)的報價,讓TOLL去送。 - 排貨+估時間tip
套數算法: 單個貨架算1套;單個工作台算0.5套;連一起的貨架,兩個連一起算2套,三個一起3套,以此類推;其餘商品一個算一套。 - 安裝服務
如果送貨列表上有需要安裝的單,提前一兩天檢查倉庫內是否有該尺寸的裝好的立柱;安裝單會配送裝好的立柱以便司機快速安裝,如果裝好的立柱數量不足,則請Louis有空裝起來備著。 - Surcharge
一率1.5%, 電話付款一定要收。 - 卸貨櫃
每個月0~3次,需在卸貨櫃前一天找工人來卸貨。 - 遇到任何疑難雜症都發群組問
- Laptop: 198823
- EftPos machine: 57750
Eftpos 機使用
- 關機:同時按住黃色鍵跟Func鍵
- 開機:按一下綠色鍵
- 算帳:◉ -> 2 -> 3
- 退款:◉ -> 1 -> 4
- What time are you open til today? Where are you located?
9 to 5 Monday to Friday. 9 to 3 Saturday
【GOLD COAST】Nerang Warehouse :
14 Hilldon Court, Nerang 4211 QLD(07) 5627 4000 / 0421 186 666
【BRISBANE】Woodridge Warehouse:
149-151 North Rd, Unit 6, Woodridge 4114 QLD(07) 3208 3251 / 0466 888 802
【CABOOLTURE】Caboolture Warehouse :
18-20 Lear Jet Drive, Unit 2, Caboolture 4510 QLD04 4872 7830
- Just wanna check if you have the few sizes available?
Yes, you’re welcome to visit our showroom here.
Sorry, it’s currently out of stock and will be back on XXX - When will my order deliver? / checking the updates for my order.
May I please have your order number? - Do I need to order online or can just pop in?
You may place an order here if you like. Can collect it at the same time if we have the size you’re chasing in stock. - I can’t find the instructions.
You can find the instruction printed outside of the panel box or can scan the QR code on our invoice paper to get the instruction. or I can send a digital copy to your mobile or email if that’s the easiest. - Can the shelving fit to my car / ute / sedan / SUV?
Each of our shelving comes in 3 flat packs and for the one you are after, the hardest part to be fitted into a car would be the 2m long uprights, so if your car has an inner space that is longer than 2m, it should be alright for all the packs to fit in with the back seats folded down. - What’s the size / weight of the flat packs?
Which sizes are you after? I’ll send the dimensions to you. - I’m missing screws / nuts & bolts / (can be anything )
May I please have your order number?
(檢查照片看有沒有少給, 沒有的話就叫他再找找, 真的少給的話問方不方便過來拿,不行的話需不需要下個送貨日送過去)
- 已預先設置以下快捷,隨插即用,如有想要更改的部分用Logitech G HUB更改。